Business Process Outsourcing has come quite a long way in the last few years, allowing companies to achieve unheard of levels of sophistication in their market offerings without adding the strain of a vast assortment of new disciplines onto their internal teams. In this article, we discuss BPO as a flexible tool for businesses to use and many helpful tips for doing so.
Outsourcing business processes allows a great many companies to concentrate valuable time and resources towards mission-critical processes within their own areas of expertise.
Business Process Outsourcing Tips
1. Get executives involved in the process
“In order to create a successful outsourcing relationship, be sure that the executive team in your organization is involved in the decision. It’s critical for management to effectively communicate how outsourcing will not only reduce costs, but also meet the business’ overall company goals and strategic vision. By positioning outsourcing as a true benefit to business, this decision makes it easy for executive buy-in as they can see exactly how a partner outsourcing company will increase productivity and present an overall cost-savings for the organization. Take the time to show executives how outsourcing weaves in perfectly with your strategic vision and include them in the outsourcing planning process.”
2. Map out growth goals ahead of time
“Before your company starts the outsourcing process, it is imperative to align your strategic goals to your long-term business and financial plans, as well as pinpoint possible outsourcing partners that have the global presence that your company is looking for. For example, if a hotel chain has anticipated growth and expansion in eastern Europe over the next five years, a localized call center in eastern Europe may be the best strategic location to deliver services based on infrastructure and language requirements.”
3. Never overlook IT capabilities
“IDC predicted that 75% of software enterprises and independent vendors will include AI functionality in at least one application by 2018. Therefore, BPOs embracing new technologies are likely to be more future ready and have a stable outlook moving forward. With this in mind, frequent visits from a senior engineer from the off-shore vendor to the client site during the design phase can help ensure a clear project understanding. The same goes for you; visiting your outsourcing service provider can give you perspective you might miss from afar.”
4. Keep quality at the forefront of your outsourcing considerations
“Despite all the benefits of outsourcing, it is only a good thing if you’re receiving the quality you expect. Anything less than this will be a disappointment.
“This isn’t to say you can’t successfully outsource particular tasks, but you need to discuss the expected quality upfront.”
5. Take your time with BPO strategy implementation
“Expand what you outsource slowly. Take a step by step approach before implementing a large scale strategy to outsource. Taking this approach allows you to make adjustments, and scale up or back as required as your company evolves.”
6. Look for providers who need no babysitting
“When you hire an outsourcing vendor to work on your business requirements, it’s a given that they are going to take care of everything from the scratch.
“There should be no room for sloppy or shoddy work, and they should be able to produce the results.
“Choosing a responsible vendor who will be in charge of the projects is a must-have so that you only need to supervise them minimally and let them take it from there.
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